Operations Update: The Happy, Healthy Nonprofit

The Happy, Healthy Nonprofit

As many of us return to the office this summer, now is a great time to prioritize taking good care of ourselves and our staff. It’s been a challenging year, and it’s important to make space for joy and stress relief in the workplace. Here at Moses Taylor Foundation, we hope to make reintegration into office life a happy and welcome transition for everyone.

At past events, we’ve distributed the book The Happy, Healthy Nonprofit by Beth Kanter and Aliza Sherman, a great resource for managers and leaders on how to destress the office, foster positive work environments, and prevent staff burnout.

Here are a few tips from the book on how to ensure a happy and healthy return to the workplace:

Be Flexible

We’ve all gotten used to working from home. Consider updating your remote work guidelines to allow staff members to gradually ease into the office. Flexible hours and PTO policies give staff a greater sense of autonomy in their personal and professional lives.

Stay Healthy

Encourage a healthful work environment. Organize office-wide walk, stretch, or meditation breaks to get staff moving. Provide healthy food and snacks at meetings and in break rooms. Consider outfitting work areas with sit-stand desks, soundproofing, and natural lighting.

Give Shout-Outs

Make staff recognition a regular part of office life. Begin meetings with staff shout-outs and expressions of appreciation. Announce staff birthdays, work anniversaries, and good news! Praise staff accomplishments with rituals like annual awards, newsletter profiles, or hand-written gratitude notes.

Get the Party Started

Encourage social interaction among staff members. How about organizing a staff field trip or team-building exercise? Seasonal events like gift exchanges, ice cream socials, or weekly/monthly get-togethers, like “Casual Fridays” or “Happy Hours,” make for a fun day at the office.

These tips are just a starting point in building a more nurturing, successful workplace for you and your staff. There are plenty more ideas to be found in The Happy, Healthy Nonprofit. If you didn’t have a chance to pick up the book at prior Moses Taylor Foundation events, please reach out to me. I’d be happy to provide a complimentary copy on behalf of Moses Taylor Foundation.

Ellen Stevens
Operations and Grants Manager