Join us for a virtual conversation on older adult isolation on September 15

Sep - Fri - 2021
September 3, 2021

Over the past months, many of us have experienced increased social isolation and have a better understanding of the impact lack of connection has on our health. However, for many older adults in our community, chronic isolation was part of life long before COVID, resulting in serious mental and physical health impacts. 

A cross-sector collaborative of more than 30 organizations led by the United Way of Lackawanna & Wayne Counties has been working together on a plan to address older adult isolation in our community. The collaborative would like to share the highlights of their plan and open the floor for additional community input before discussing next steps for implementation.

Zoom Conversation: Reducing older adult isolation in Lackawanna County
Wednesday, September 15 (online) 9AM - 10AM

Register now to join us for the conversation

Capacity Building Older Adult Isolation Responsive Grantmaking