School Nurse Awareness Campaign - TEST

School Nurse Awareness Campaign Resources  

In partnership with other stakeholders, Moses Taylor Foundation is working to shine a light on the critical role school nurses play in promoting the health of children in our communities. Recognizing that school districts face competing demands for limited resources, we aim to expand decision-makers’ understanding of the roles school nurses play to more effectively utilize existing school nurses and provide additional support whenever possible. Inviting other community stakeholders into this dialogue will strengthen connections between school nurses and community resources and increase public understanding of school nurses as vital public health partners.

As part of our strategy to raise awareness of the role of the modern school nurse and foster connections and understanding between school nurses and communities, the Foundation has developed sharable resources for widespread use. 

Please utilize the graphics and sample messages below and share via the platform of your choice. With your help, this awareness campaign can further strengthen connections between school nurses, educators, families, and the community.

  • Suggested Facebook post text to use:

    Our school nurse is dedicated to keeping all students safe, healthy and ready to learn — and there’s so much more to the role than most of us know. A needs assessment focused on nurses in our region has been released by @MosesTaylorFoundation. Click to explore this interesting report:

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    Suggested Tweet copy to use for Twitter:

    Our school nurse is dedicated to keeping students safe, healthy and ready to learn — and there’s so much more to the role than most of us know. Learn more:

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    Suggested Facebook post text to use:

    We are thankful for our school nurse(s)! They go above and beyond every day - helping students manage chronic diseases, connect families to resources, and much more. Join us in recognizing them for their efforts to keep our students healthy and ready to learn. #Thankful/p>

    Suggested Tweet copy to use for Twitter:

    We’re thankful for our school nurse(s) who help students manage chronic diseases, connect families to resources, and much more. #Thankful

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    Suggested Facebook post text to use:

    Our school nurse is dedicated to keeping all students safe, healthy and ready to learn — and there’s so much more to the role than most of us know. A needs assessment focused on nurses in our region has been released by @MosesTaylorFoundation. Click to explore this interesting report:

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    Suggested Tweet copy to use for Twitter:

    Our school nurse is dedicated to keeping students safe, healthy and ready to learn — and there’s so much more to the role than most of us know. Learn more:

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    Suggested Facebook post text to use:

    Our school nurse is dedicated to keeping all students safe, healthy and ready to learn — and there’s so much more to the role than most of us know. A needs assessment focused on nurses in our region has been released by @MosesTaylorFoundation. Click to explore this interesting report:

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    Suggested Tweet copy to use for Twitter:

    Our school nurse is dedicated to keeping students safe, healthy and ready to learn — and there’s so much more to the role than most of us know. Learn more:

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    Suggested Facebook post text to use:

    Our school nurse is dedicated to keeping all students safe, healthy and ready to learn — and there’s so much more to the role than most of us know. A needs assessment focused on nurses in our region has been released by @MosesTaylorFoundation. Click to explore this interesting report:

    Download File

    Suggested Tweet copy to use for Twitter:

    Our school nurse is dedicated to keeping students safe, healthy and ready to learn — and there’s so much more to the role than most of us know. Learn more:

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